Take your podcast to the next level with SportsCastr’s podcast hosting and production platform. Connect with your audience in new ways, increase your reach, and generate real revenue. The best part? It’s completely free.
Take your podcast to the next level with SportsCastr’s podcast hosting and production platform. Connect with your audience in new ways, increase your reach, and generate real revenue. The best part? It’s completely free.
Live stream your podcast like a pro. Take questions from the audience, create new distribution and sponsorship opportunities, and generate revenue through credit card donations and virtual gifts. When you’re done live streaming, instantly push an audio-only version of the stream to your podcast, or download the audio track for editing before publishing.
Invite up to five guests on-air for interviews, Q/As or panel discussions. Looking to engage with your fans? Effortlessly bring on guests from the audience, regardless of their location. We take care of the details, like listing guest names in the show notes and automatically mixing the audio track.
SportsCastr’s episode player can be embedded anywhere with just a few clicks. In addition to letting visitors hear your podcast, we include a link to the live video stream of your episode. Once there, your fans can send you donations, subscribe to get notified the next time you go live, and discover your library of past episodes.
We give you the tools needed to get your podcast listed anywhere. This includes giving you easy access to platform-specific RSS feeds for Spotify, Pandora and Apple Podcasts (with more to come). Reach new subscribers by sharing your podcast on your social media, and connect your Twitter and FaceBook account to automatically Tweet and Post every time you publish a new episode.
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